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Medieval life 60 min

överblick över en blå utställningshall med ett par montrar i bakgrunden

This tour gives you an overview of the history of medieval Lödöse and the people who lived there. We walk through the exhibition and make a few stops a long the way.

Lödöse was one of the first cities in Sweden. Kings and queens have lived here, as well as Saint Birgitta. But the greatness of Lödöse today does not lie in the former presence of medieval celebrities, but rather in all the objects that the commoners left behind. Common items that are not so common anymore after almost a millennia under ground. These artifacts now help us tell the story of medieval life.

🕢 1 hour   💰 SEK 950    👤  Max 30 participants

Booking and contact

Booking manager: Jessica Randén

Telephone: (+46) 10-441 43 83
Monday-Friday 9.00-14.30 PM

Updated: 2023-01-09 13:35